Is Peanut Butter Allowed on Flights From Boston or Providence?

2023-03-23 15:21:50 By : Ms. Hemin Chow

My name is Barry, and I am a peanut butter junkie.

Next to coffee, there is no better culinary thrill than peanut butter. I could eat peanut butter on pretty much anything. My favorite sundae is peanut butter ice cream with peanut butter sauce.

I had peanut butter pie for my recent birthday – none of this birthday cake and frosting for me. I eat peanut butter from the jar with a spoon. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite candy.

So it was with great interest that I followed blogger Peter Neve's woeful tale about having his peanut butter confiscated by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as he attempted to board a flight.

Neve's tweet went viral and drew a response from the TSA.

MassLive's Irene Rotondo was all over it with an article titled "TSA stated it considers peanut butter a liquid." That means it is treated like any other liquid, so anything over 3.4 ounces goes under the plane and can not be brought onboard in a carry-on.

MassLive's Heather (Adams) Morrisrison inquired of New England TSA spokesman Dan Velez if crunchy peanut butter is also a liquid. The short answer is "yes."

A travel tip for my fellow peanut butter fanatics who might be planning a flight from Boston's Logan International Airport or Green State Airport in Rhode Island: put the peanut butter jar in the suitcase and check it, unless you carry a 3.4-ounce or less supply.

If you are like me, you probably think the folks over at TSA and their crazy peanut butter rule are nuts.